The passion of Buschbeck is telling stories, regardless of the form the narrative may take. He transports our minds and senses, as our ancestors did with their fireside tales. In his approach to his films, he seeks to produce a strong sensory experience, while the subject itself must provide us with constructive food for thought. His ambition is to make us feel, if only for a moment, that we have transcended our daily life. In all his work, he gets to grips with the very essence of his subject. Buschbeck is a humanist, and the human condition is central to all his films. When filming people, he zeroes in on their personality, hidden traits and aspirations. As a director, this active observer has made “love your subject” his watchword.
And, as someone close to nature, he says that a film is like a tree: from a seed, the idea develops and puts out many branches, to become an imposing plant that may or may not bear fruit. But luckily, more often than not, if the seed is of good quality and promotes healthy growth, the tree will be fruitful (photo by Fanny Lelorrain).
Timeline – important dates
2022: Directed the short film THE FOCUS PLACE/SQUARE. It’s an experimental film for which I set myself the following constraints: one camera, one location, one day.
2019 to 2022: Edited documentaries about Georges Schwizgebel and Claude Luyet (world renown animators and filmmakers), Pierre Fuhrer (a piano repairer, tuner and builder) and Mathias Bieri (cheesemaker).
2019: Directed a series of three documentaries on the lumbar puncture for biomedical research purposes for the Douglas Mental Health University Institute.
2018: Directed the short-film IN MY DREAMS. This was my first short-film entirely produced in English.
2017: Edited the feature film ROOBHA, who stars Jesuthasan Antonythasan, lead actor in DHEEPAN, the 2015 Cannes Palme d’Or.
2012 to 2017: Directed the documentaries about Charles Roulin, Marysa Ransoni, Hans-Peter Kneuss, Mireille Dessingy, Belén Ferrier, Gérald Belli and Tony Giglio
2012: Embarked upon making my first feature-length documentary BALAFON DES NEIGES with the production company Les Productions JMH, twice nominated for an Oscar (Himalaya and Winged Migration).
2010 and 2011: Directed the documentaries about Alain Brönnimann, Michel Laeser and Jean Lenoir
2007: Managed the video and audio crew for the Geneva Beach tchoukball (sport event), which finales have been broadcast live on Eurosport 2, a European wide sport TV channel (available in 50 million homes, in 47 countries, and broadcast in 18 languages).
2006: Directed my graduate film EMERGENCY EXIT which was selected in several festivals, broadcast on two television channels, and used as a part of professional training for psychologists, as well as within a suicide prevention program.
2004: Directed the short film SEEKING HAPPINESS AT ALL COST, which was my first film project with professional actors (for most of them), and also some professional crew members.
2001: On-call work for Léman bleu TV in Geneva on various reports and TV programs. I was also a volunteer for local TV channel Canal 29, for which I created the cultural program « Le Mag ».
1996: Directed first short film DOUBLE 0 with some scout friends. From then on, I would make a new short film every two years over the span of a decade.
1993: Directed my first film with the scouts. It was a documentary film, shot on Super 8, about a scout camp I attended in Brittany.

Please feel free to contact me directly at:
info (at) thomas-buschbeck.net

Create. Inspire. Entertain.
Create emotionally. Inspire positively. Entertain thoughtfully.