For over 20 years, I’ve been directing films of all kinds, from fiction to documentaries or commercials. I’ve made films both independently and for companies, and of the hundred or so films I’ve worked on, the vast majority are films I’ve directed. But I’ve also edited a lot of films, and taken on other jobs on a few productions as first assistant director or director of photography. The short films I’ve directed are in a wide variety of genres, from romantic comedy with a touch of mystery (In My Dreams) to psychological thriller (Emergency Exit) or even children’s tale (Seeking happiness at all cost).

This video demonstrates the details of a lumbar puncture technique to collect cerebrospinal fluid for biomedical research. This procedure includes several steps to minimize discomfort and provide a good and safe experience for research participants while providing quality samples for biochemical analysis.
More and more teachers throughout the world attribute tchoukball an important role in their physical education classes. Once they have got to know the essentials, teachers recognize tchoukball as a teams sport without contact, able to fascinate their pupils and perfectly adapted to the school environment.
The procedure for drawing the « forbidden area » in front of a tchoukball frame using the tape dispenser equipped with its 3 meter cable. Very easy to order one of this, simply send us an e-mail
The TV ad of the first Mini-tchouk tournament in the whole world which will take place on the 4th July 2010 at the Vessy Sports Centre in Geneva (Switzerland).
An introductory session to the sport named tchoukball with children aged 3 to 5.
Seniors are also seduced by the particularities of tchoukball. In this session for the over-55s, discover tchoukball in a way we’re not used to seeing it.
An experimental film in which I’ve tried to explore all the audiovisual features of our smartphone.
The TV ad of the first Mini-tchouk tournament in the whole world which will take place on the 4th July 2010 at the Vessy Sports Centre in Geneva (Switzerland).
The evening news of the FITB European Tchoukball Championships of the 28th August 2010.
The evening news of the FITB European Tchoukball Championships of the 29th August 2010.
It’s this week-end, on February 26th and 27th 2011, that takes place the 2011 edition of the European Winners Cup (EWC).
« Best of » of the games of the first days of the European Winners Cup (EWC) which took place this week-end on February 26th and 27th 2011.
The best moments of the tchoukball tournaments which took place on the 12th and 13th of June 2010 in Halver (Germany) + the interviews